'This is about children caring for their parents and helping them with assistance.'
'They have been pursuing their agenda of bulldozing everything and everybody on their way.' 'They suddenly see Rahul Gandhi standing in front of them without fear and fighting against them aggressively.' 'He doesn't show any compromise in his attitude towards fascism.'
'If I were to say, I had the best vegetarian food in my life in Vietnam, nobody would believe me.' 'When I proclaimed this to my friends, they didn't believe me. I had to show them the pictures and make them drool!!'
'The government should act proactively to instil confidence in the private investors, and also boost the purchasing power of people directly or indirectly by ensuring minimum wages.'
'80% of the rural and urban population don't have enough purchasing power.'
'Most students find it difficult to cope with the way they are expected to learn at the IITs.' 'So, all the students face the same stress.' 'But those students who are mentally weak are more affected.'
'In a secular society where women are treated equally by law, I want the same equal status for my daughters in society, on par with all the boys.'
'Today, we have 150,000 orders a month. And a monthly sale of Rs 1 crore.'
'When the average growth in the last three years was just 2.5%, how does that make us the fastest growing country?' 'They only tell you what has happened in the last 2 years; they are not taking into account what happened in FY21 on account of their mistakes.'
'A start-up with 100 people has reduced the strength to 60-80 people to reduce cost.' 'Even if there is attrition, they prefer not to replace them.'
'Those who want stability in life have started looking at opportunities outside of the start-up ecosystem.'
'One of the biggest employment generators, the MSMEs, have not got much from the government.'
'After 2011-2012, both our investment rate and savings savings rate have declined. 'Correspondingly, the savings rate in the economy as percentage of GDP, also has come down.'
'It taught me how to be resilient, how to be strong and how to be courageous.'
'How long can you keep a person in jail using false cases?'
'The general elections in May 2024 may not have any impact on the Census.'
'A delay of two years has happened, but stretching it to 2024 is a bit too far.' 'And we do not know about 2024 also.'
'Modi has sowed the seeds of a transformational change.' 'For the sake of the nation and our children I hope he succeeds.'
'Nirmalaji must consider herself a very lucky finance minister, partly because of the government's response to covid and partly because we as a nation have done very well as an economy, post pandemic.'